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Learning VIA Imparting Skills

Values in Action

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Written By
Katie Teo Eng Ker
Badminton Academy, Secondary 4

On May 19 2023, the Badminton Academy organised a two-hour badminton workshop for 25 students from Wellington Primary School, followed by another workshop on May 23 2023 for 28 students from Yishun Primary School. As organisers, Ng Ming Zhe and I were delighted by the enthusiasm and cooperation displayed by the students. This was the second time that Ming Zhe and I had been assigned to organise such an event. Based on our previous experience, we felt more confident and clear about the planning process. Consequently, the event ran smoothly with minimal issues. Initially, we had some concerns that the students might not be interested or cooperative with the programme we had prepared. However, those doubts quickly dissipated as we heard laughter and witnessed smiles on their faces. The students exhibited a genuine interest in badminton during the session, and their high level of engagement made the workshop enjoyable for both the student-athletes and themselves.

To facilitate better interaction, each student-athlete from our secondary programme was assigned to take care of one or two students to provide instructions on how to play and share helpful tips. This arrangement not only allowed the students to learn us but also enabled us to develop social skills by stepping out of our comfort zones and making new friends.

To generate excitement, we organised a fun warm-up activity, playing catch, which immediately boosted the energy in the room. Everyone was determined to avoid being caught, creating a lively atmosphere.

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During the workshop, we divided the students into four groups of seven and introduced a mini-game called 'Hit Into the Target Zone'. In this game, a student-athletes would be assigned to each group to serve the shuttlecock for the students to hit it into the target zone. The group which has the most shuttlecocks in the target zone wins. This activity promoted teamwork and instilled a sense of determination to work together and win the game.

As all good things must come to an end, it was saddening to bid farewell to our newly-made friends. However, I firmly believe that the workshop was a resounding success, as evidenced by the students' enjoyment throughout the event. Our team invested our best efforts to ensure the programme's success, and it was heartening to see the students reciprocate by attentively participating in the activities.

In conclusion, I am grateful that both my team and the students were able to conclude the workshop on a happy note.

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