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Culture of Speaking Up

Anti-Bullying Week from 24 to 26 February

Written By
Taneisha Kaur Teo Eelin
IBDP Year 5, Bowling 

On the 24 January 2022, the school launched the Anti-Bullying Week, a new initiative led by the Student Well-Being team of the Student Council.

The objective of Anti-Bullying Week is, firstly, to promote a culture of respect and care amongst student-athletes. Secondly, the initiative aims to raise awareness of the different types of bullying. Thirdly, we advocate a zero-tolerance approach towards bullying. A Speak Up platform was also provided for student-athletes to report incidents of distress and injustice.

Student Councillors created a video to raise awareness of the toxic culture that bullying brings about, and to bring across the message that bullying can happen to anyone.

During my sharing on 24 January, I touched on my personal experience of being bullied.

“I have personally been bullied in the past. What I know is that admitting that to ourselves is one of the toughest things to do. I was constantly being told that it was not a big deal and that I was being too sensitive, that it was just a joke. I was so used to hearing these comments that I started to believe them myself but the reality is that one comment may hurt us more than a punch to the face. No one else gets to decide how you feel.

The most important thing is to speak up when you are being bullied, or if you witness it. You may feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of anger and sadness but know that there is always a way out and things always get better. Take the steps to surround yourself with people who will support you and distance yourself from toxic environments.

I plead to all students to be more understanding and caring towards our friends. Always know that something that seems small to you may have the power to destroy someone else. Even if you have not encountered bullying, you should work towards building a supportive environment around you. Because your small acts of support may change the life of someone who is suffering silently.”

Throughout the Week, many student councillors, boarding captains and sports captains worked behind the scenes to make the Week a success. All student leaders also wore a specially-designed badge with the message ‘Speak Up Against Bullying’ throughout the Week.

QR codes were also put up around the school and sent to student-athletes’ emails. The QR code leads to an electronic form for student-athletes to report incidences of bullying, harassment, distress or injustice.

Boarding also put up an Anti-Bullying Poster Art Gallery outside the Boarding Office. Boarders wrote positive and encouraging messages on note slips were collected back and pinned up to form a giant heart-shaped collage.

Anti-Bullying Week – when the whole school took a strong stand against bullying –  I know that together we have made a difference.

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