Casey Saved The Day
ROAR Award of the Month (January 2022)
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Fernandez Casey Klein (Secondary 3, Football) was one of the selected student-athletes in the Chinese New Year performances this year. He was given a challenging role as a drummer, and he was very diligent in practising during his free time to be ready for the performance. During the preparation for the performance, he has also stepped up to take on another role as a dancer. He put his heart into learning the dance steps and mastering the drums.
On the actual day of the filming of the performances, one of the lion dance performers fell ill and could not attend school. Casey once again stepped forward and volunteered to take on the role of the lion dance performer. Casey shared that he had been observing and learning the steps of the lion dance during the practice sessions as he was very interested in lion dance.
Thanks to Casey, the performances and filming of modern dance, drums and lion dance were conducted successfully.
Casey has demonstrated responsibility in carrying out his different roles and exhibited excellence in putting up a good performance during the filming. Casey was also able to rise to the challenge and showed the true spirit of volunteerism. His attitude and positive spirit were commended on 22 February 2022 when he was presented the ROAR Award of the month.
“I was always reminded and taught by my teachers, parents, General Manager and mentor to reflect so that we can become a better version of ourselves. I feel very honoured to receive this award, and it will motivate me to continue to do more good,” said Casey.
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Fernandez Casey Klein (Secondary 3, Football) was one of the selected student-athletes in the Chinese New Year performances this year. He was given a challenging role as a drummer, and he was very diligent in practising during his free time to be ready for the performance. During the preparation for the performance, he has also stepped up to take on another role as a dancer. He put his heart into learning the dance steps and mastering the drums.
On the actual day of the filming of the performances, one of the lion dance performers fell ill and could not attend school. Casey once again stepped forward and volunteered to take on the role of the lion dance performer. Casey shared that he had been observing and learning the steps of the lion dance during the practice sessions as he was very interested in lion dance.
Thanks to Casey, the performances and filming of modern dance, drums and lion dance were conducted successfully.
Casey has demonstrated responsibility in carrying out his different roles and exhibited excellence in putting up a good performance during the filming. Casey was also able to rise to the challenge and showed the true spirit of volunteerism. His attitude and positive spirit were commended on 22 February 2022 when he was presented the ROAR Award of the month.
“I was always reminded and taught by my teachers, parents, General Manager and mentor to reflect so that we can become a better version of ourselves. I feel very honoured to receive this award, and it will motivate me to continue to do more good,” said Casey.