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Speech by President of the 20th Student Council, Nikita Meyers

Student Feature – Nikita Mae Jing-yu Meyers 

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I am Nikita Meyers and it is with great honour that I stand before all of you today as the incoming president of the 20th Student Council. Firstly, I would like to thank each and every one of you who have put your trust in me to lead the school, the staff who have guided me throughout my leadership journey at Singapore Sports School, and all the presidents who have come before me – inspiring me to be a better leader and my incoming ExCO – without whom my role would be nothing but a title.

Some of you may be wondering, why ‘breaking barriers’? This theme, discussed and created by our ExCO, looks to enable all student-athletes to step out of their comfort zones, and move forward as a school. We hope to organise meaningful events that will inspire and encourage each student-athlete to take action towards ideas that you believe are important, be it within the school or even externally.

Take today’s investiture for example, during our planning, the team strove to find meaning and symbolism in each part of the programme, hoping that seeing your fellow student-athletes stepping up to be a student-leader, serving the school with pride and dignity would inspire you to become the best leader you can, even if you do not hold a position recognised this afternoon. We hope that through these events, you can create memories with each other that will last, while also gaining invaluable insight and understanding of important events.

Together with my fellow student leaders, we will aspire to encourage all of you to explore out of your comfort zones. With each event, we want to give each and every one of you the opportunity to explore different ideas, finding interests in activities that you would not normally think twice about. While many leaders will say that they are the voice of the student body, this year, we want you to have your own voice. We want to actively engage you through our social media, where we will be asking for live feedback and suggestions during events.

Our instagram page ‘lifeinssp’ has been a kickstarter for this goal, where we try to give students interactive posts to engage and listen to your ideas. In planning this year's Youth Day, we had put up a question box to ask what themes the students wanted to have for the event. We also had many posts featuring our student-athletes and their creative minds during the event, showcasing the fun and laughter that we have in the Sports School family. We also want to form a space where you all will feel comfortable sharing ideas, to give each of you an opportunity to actively contribute and participate in school events.

Lastly, we hope that in this coming year, the school will come together and progress as one unit. We plan to foster inclusivity within our events and cultivate an environment where everyone feels welcome. This includes more publicity of our accomplishments, more events where students of all backgrounds and sports will come together. With the Instagram platform mentioned earlier, we are now able to feature more students through a monthly recap system, where we will acknowledge the smaller achievements of our student-athletes. Through all these, we aim to build a culture of unity within the school, which will remain the backbone of our progress and culture.

Together with an exceptional exco, we hope to embody the theme of breaking barriers in every single one of our events in the coming year. With the aforementioned points in mind, this batch of student leaders will do our very best to provide you all with an enriching and inspiring year with exciting events, in boarding, within our sports, and in school. Although I cannot promise you a 100% success rate, I can promise you that all of the student leaders who have walked on this stage today, will give you their 100% effort in serving you.

As the graduating members of the 19th Student Council pass on their legacy to the 20th Student Council, their hard work and inspiration will be remembered. While we will follow in the footsteps of the leaders who have come before us, we will also pave our own path, leave our own legacy, and make our own memories.

Thank you.

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